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9 July 2018

School Holiday Soul Saviours

It's that time again - the school holidays are looming and while your little ones are probably fizzing to get into it, you might be reaching for the wine!

This is where we can help. Some of us at Soul Clothing are also mothers (and in the same predicament) so we have come up with some ideas to help you survive the holiday period.


Get outside and get wintery
Take advantage of these Winter days and get outside. Wrap up warm and enjoy the fresh air. We live in such a beautiful place, a walk by the lake is a good afternoon outing. Bring the family dog too. What's a family outing without the dog? Don't forget about the dinosaur park as it's the perfect location to let the kids run free and use some of that energy up.

Have a ‘no schedule’ day
We often find ourselves rushing our little ones from here to there (and back again) but if you have the chance over the holidays, have a ‘no schedule' day. Try not to think to yourself ‘just five more minutes’ and spend the whole day at the dinosaur park - try and go with the flow. It’s amazing how much your kids will enjoy this.

Put on a show
Kids love to see Mum, Dad, Gran and Grandad get silly and make fools of themselves, so let them direct and dress you up. Make up a dance routine and show the rest the family your sweet moves. Construct a stage with sheets or curtains. You might be surprised as to how much laughter will follow if you all join in on the madness.

Read some books 
Don't forget to have some down-time during the holidays. There is no need to fill every day with activities. Visit the local library and fill a bag with books to keep you and the little ones occupied. Snuggle up together and read. Practice your silly voices – the louder the better.

Bake something yummy
There's nothing quite like the feeling that you get when you achieve something and doing so in the kitchen is an easy way to build confidence, have fun and eat some batter - yum! There are loads of recipes around that your kids can help you prepare. Pull up those sleeves and get into it. And if you want to combat your 'mum sugar-guilt' try adding in some smoothie mix or phylum husk (so there is some good in those cookies). Measuring, mixing and melting are all math and science-based activities so it’s a win for everyone.

So from us to you, good luck.

And of course, enjoy that wine!

  Soul Style Sessions - Wear Summer in Winter Stripes on Stripes